
  • What if it all works out?

    When my brother Tommy became a police officer, he was only nineteen. My father, born in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, is an Air Force veteran who rose through the ranks in the NYPD. He is a tough dude. With a strong family history of military and law enforcement, the decision for my brother to join the NYPD…

  • Rest & Reclaim

    A few months ago, a friend and I decided to plan a retreat – specially designed for busy women of color as a reminder to rest and reclaim themselves from the relentlessness of the daily grind. We named it Rest & Reclaim and opened it up to 15 women. It sold out within 2 days…

  • Legacy

    Last week, my family and I said goodbye to my grandfather just a week shy of his 100th birthday. I didn’t know him well – he lived hundreds of miles away when I was growing up, and my dad is one of ten so I am one of many, many (many) grandkids. But every action…

  • Reflections on the CROWN Act

    Like so many Black women, my hair journey has been a winding road. My hair has accessorized every phase of my growth from Jheri curls in Kindergarten (thanks again for that, Mom 🥴) to long box braids in college to processed, straight hair in my twenties. No choice, however, proved to be as significant and…

  • Thank you, Judy

    I walked into my first job interview holding a Sprite can. My hair was spray dyed blue, I wore shorts I cut with scissors, and I giggled before answering each question. Judy, my prospective boss, stared at me over the rim of her glasses sizing me up. The look she gave me was a mixture…

  • What is Meant to Be, Will Be

    When I was a baby lawyer, I had the honor of working with an intern who was attending law school at night. He was a father, a husband, and worked full time as a court officer. You only had to spend five minutes with him to know one day he was going to also be…


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