What is Meant to Be, Will Be

When I was a baby lawyer, I had the honor of working with an intern who was attending law school at night. He was a father, a husband, and worked full time as a court officer. You only had to spend five minutes with him to know one day he was going to also be a brilliant attorney. He confided in me that his colleagues often questioned how he had allowed himself to dream such a big disruptive dream AND actually have the audacity to pursue it.

He said, “Why not me? If I’m lucky, time is going to pass anyway, so I just take it one step at a time. I’ll get there.”

His patience, his perspective, and his persistence have stayed with me ever since.

Sometimes it’s five minutes dedicated to your novel on your lunch break.

Sometimes it’s a quiet thirty minutes to work on your business plan before the kids wake up.

Sometimes it’s enrolling in a part time master’s program that may take you twice as long to complete.

One step at a time.

As long as you are still here, why not you?

Live deliberately, friends.

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